WLE, technical training for the planet.

Clara Gicquel
« Because our daily actions can change our ecological footprint on the planet, WLE, an independent and accredited training and certification organization, trains and certifies energy professionals to enable them to work in a sustainable and safe way. »

Discover our offers dedicated to SF6 services and training!

WLE accompanies electric mobility and launches www.neoborne.com a comparison site for electric charging station solutions! Neoborne offers training for the installation of electric charging stations - Formation IRVE Niveau 1 certified by Qualifelec. 

The SF6 Gas

SF6 is one of the six greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol and Directive 2003/87/EC. Its global warming potential (GWP) is 22,800 times higher than CO2, making it the most powerful greenhouse gas on earth with an atmospheric lifetime of about 3,200 years.

SF6 is mainly used in electrical equipment for its dielectric qualities but is also present in some particle accelerators and electron microscopes.

The use of SF6 is highly regulated in Europe: for producers and users but especially for the personnel who handle it with the obligation to provide proof of a certificate valid for 5 years and issued by an approved body.

News : SF6 Gas

SF6 gas has been used for its dielectric properties for over 60 years with success in various industrial applications:
1. Most of the volume is used in circuit breakers, switches, transformers, high voltage cables, Metal Enclosed Substations and disconnect switches for power transmission and distribution lines. 
2. It is also used in particle gas pedals and microscopes. In the medical field, SF6 gas is used in radiotherapy and ophthalmology equipment.
SF6 gas is recognized by the Kyoto Protocol as one of the 6 most polluting greenhouse gases. This is why in France, its use is controlled. Nuclear power plants have a threshold of sulfur hexafluoride emissions that must not exceed 100kg per year. 
On September 30th, the Flamanville nuclear power plant declared that it had exceeded the authorized emission threshold.
But what are the dangers of SF6 for the environment?
- In the long term, one kilogram of SF6 gas emitted into the atmosphere has the same impact on the global greenhouse effect as 22 800 kilograms of CO2.
- It has a very long life span: 3,200 years in the atmosphere compared to about 100 years for carbon dioxide, for example.
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